The Path of the Priests

– leadership from the core –
3 days online in sacred space

„They were celebrated, they were revered and exalted, they were ostracized, banished, dismembered and viewed and used as mouthpieces for God. They were been consecrated and initiated. They took new and innovative paths. They heard the voice of God and were mendiators between heaven and earth, between above and below, between rulers and people. They had the reesponsibility of the whole thing in their hands and at the same time were disenfranchised from real life.”


The path of the priests renews the sacred space of your priesthood within you.

Regardless of which paths of priesthood you have taken and which initiations you have gone through in the past and now, you regain the power to be, to lead and to serve from your divine core.

You remember your priesthood in all forms and aspects from the source of your being. The sacred space from which your priesthood arises is brought into the light. We go online together for 3 days via Zoom in a small group.

Service and devotion are one. This is where your power lies. YOUR DIVINE CORE.

“Brought back from oblivion, you immerse yourself in the sacred within you. The source of all existence bubbles untouched and always. I will guide you.” Jesus

You take responsibility for your own being

and your service as a priestess and priest in the expression you have chosen for yourself. You recognize your path as your task is fulfilled. You lead from your sacred being and space.

Acting from your essence determines the liveliness of your life flow. Acting from your sacred space is connection with the Source in every moment. Acting from your priesthood allows your actions to be powerful and wise.


3 tools accompany you

They pave the way for you and with which you will also touch others:
the feather – of the Divine Father, as the breath of God
the rose – of the Divine Mother
the balm – the gift of Jesus


3 days online in sacred space

What awaits you comes from you and your inner core.
What awaits you is guidance from your being.
What awaits you is empowerment from your sacred space.


If you open the sacred space of your priesthood, all previous concepts fall away, you act from your essence.

Everything that has blocked, changed, destroyed or made this space no longer accessible to you melts in your love.

Brought out of your oblivion, you immerse yourself in the sacred within you. The source of all existence bubbles untouched and always.


Priesthood from the sacred space is omnipresent.

3 days online via Zoom

we come together in a group of 6 – 8 paticipants. We work together with guided meditations, energy exercises in the group, each for themselves, with each other and 1:1 with me.

Next online dates:

Dec. 27th -29th 2024  – Group 6 (german)

January 03. – 05. 2025  – Group 7 (english)
Fri.     TW time:  7 – 9 pm                       GER time:12 – 14 pm
Sat.    TW time:  3 – 5 pm  &  7 – 9 pm   GER time:  8 – 10 am  &  12 – 14 pm
Sun.   TW time:  3 – 5 pm  &  6 – 8 pm   GER time:  8 – 10 am  &  11 am – 13 pm

1 month later we meet for a follow-up!

Next english group will be in April 2025


Your investment:

920 Euro
(For payment installments, please contact me.)

You can also pay over, please contact me for more information.

Registration and booking:

PM me on FB: Vasama Gaul

I look forward to you!


"I spontaneously came to THE PATH OF THE PRIESTS and delved deeper into my sacred space than ever before. The breath of God has taken space in me and I breathe myself through my story.

These 3 days gave me a completely new perspective on my life. Thanks!


"For me it was opening up my sacred space that I longed for."


"A wonderful way to experience every day anew in your own space, connected to heaven and earth.

A gift for this time!

Thanks Vasama"


"This is such a heart opening, high frequency and joyful 3day event.

Learning about your individual leadership from the core with powerful tools - highly recommended.

If it calls you, follow your heart, your inner wisdom. go!"


"The moments with you in THE PATH OF THE PRIESTS were very touching and healing for me.

The deep understanding of one's own priesthood gives me insight and deep understanding of my own life's task. Thanks!

It's working so hard inside me, I don't even have the right words yet!"

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